Plankton Planet

South-West Pacific Loop – 2015

On May 1st the Plankton Planet project launch his first loop navigation from New Zealand. 5 sailboats each equipped with a sampling kit set sail for a 6 month journey. They will pass through 5 countries, New Zealand, Tonga Islands, Fiji Islands, Vanuatu, New Caledonia, before returning in October 2015 in Auckland, New Zealand.

This maritime Rally held every 2 years fits for its first edition in the pilot phase of Plankton Planet project. It will test the deployment of the protocol on a wide area of interest, and provide valuable information on the quality of the samples collected in order to further improve the advantage of scientific protocol.

Number of boats


Number of samples

*1 sample = 2 filters


Samples collected

Progress of the sample treatment at Lab

The 5 crews involved: