29 Sep Objectif Plancton
« Objectif Plancton » is a science participatory action launched by Océanopolis, with the support of sailors and scientific partners including Plankton Planet and Station Biologique de Roscoff. This initiative mobilizes every year, since 2014, between 10 and 20 vessels at different times to make a sampling of plankton in coastal ecosystems. This study based on the long term takes place on 3 sites: Brest, Port-Louis and Concarneau.
On the D day, the boats depart on the water make the sampling. At one moment T, and a GPS point assigned to them, each of them carrie a small sampling procedure. The procedure used is very similar to the protocol imagined for Plankton Planet project and does not require special skills in science. Participants then return to harbor (Océanopolis for Brest harbor) to deposit their collections. They are greeted by animators and scientists. The samples are then collected and treated in front of them to allow to extract certain information, or simply to secure storage in optimum conditions for later analysis.
Visitors curious to know more and who have not sailed can also discover the plankton collected during the day alongside the scientists (free admission). This day is an opportunity to discover the often unknown organisms, but also to meet many scientists from IUEM, the Station Biologique de Roscoff and IFREMER.
The next session is scheduled for Saturday, October 3, 2015 at Océanopolis in Brest.